10 things you learn when you fail an exam


Exams bring panic and takes away sleep from us. There’s no wrong to admit that we all hate being evaluated. But when you fail your exam you must get determined to learn from your mistakes.

Here are the 10 things you learn when you fail an exam.

No Substitute for Hard work 


Most of the time we fail an examination is due to lack of hard work. Students tend to lack the need to work hard on the particular area of their subject that needs attention. So, it is seen that during exams we lack knowledge to present our answers in the right way. Hard work is very necessary if you want to make a serious change to your study pattern. Practice, read and write is  the only way to polish your skills. From next time, try to adopt hardworking as your first resolution.

Focus is Everything

Focusing the right way develops a positive attitude. It happens many times that lack of focus is the main reason behind failure. If you fail an exam, make sure to adopt how to focus on your problem area more. This is an important lesson to learn that focus teaches more than practice. From next time onwards, focus on the subject you are working. If you don’t get serious on focusing then huge amount of practice will turn out as fruitless.

Admission of Mistakes and Making a Mistake Diary 

Make it a point to admit mistakes. Say you failed one exam, but you are very proud to admit that the fault was entirely yours. Many youths have this tendency to blame on teachers or show baseless reasons for failure. Actually the whole matter rests upon us and how much effort we have given. Before blaming someone else ask yourself. There is no harm in admitting your mistakes. It only prepares us to do better next time.

There is a practice one can follow to overcome the tendency of making the same mistakes again and again i.e. making a mistake diary. Write the mistakes you make daily and the next time you start working, just go through the points. There has been  60% fall in the tendency of making mistakes when you use a mistake diary.

Self Confidence is the key


People with low self confidence fail a lot. It’s in their nature not to trust themselves and question their own abilities. After your failure you need to learn how to gain back the confidence and win the next time. Remember failures make us more strong and determined.

Setting Goals is essential

Lack of ambition and a clear idea of your goals is the first thing you need to shake off if you want success. Maybe you have failed once and there can be a hundred reasons behind it. But what matters the most is that you should set proper goals.  Forget about your failures and get ready to welcome all the good things you can achieve in the future. Your goals should reflect your wish and choice of career. The people will learn about your success and no one will remember your failure.

Right Analysis

When you sit in an exam hall you should make it a point to represent your work in engaging and creative way. Your work should not reflect as an average piece. Try to write in such a way that will reflect your skills on that particular subject. This requires lots of analysis. And this is something every student must adopt. Originality and organization is also a part of this.


One of the vital parts to success in exams is to plan your routine. Right planning can save you a lot of hassle. Learn the rules to plan from a guardian or your seniors. It really helps to make up time and work accordingly. It is seen many a times that lack of planning is the reason behind failing an exam. Maintain a diary or use a calendar to track your daily schedules and plan according to it. Research, draft and edit are all the essential parts of planning. So now you know how important it is.

Getting Help is OK

Failure is a step that shoes you the way to seek help from fellow students and professors. Teachers do welcome a student who needs help. There’s nothing be ashamed if you ask one of your classmate to show you where you are going well. Struggling becomes easier if you discuss and get help.

Turn Your Stream

If you see that you have no interest in the particular field and want to discontinue then do it. There is absolutely no reason to keep on doing one thing where you don’t want to go further. Accept the truth that maybe you do not have the right foundation for that stream. Always leave it if you face recurring failure on something that does not interest make sure to leave it. Star over something new.

Find Your Fault

Try to understand why you failed and never try to repeat the same mistakes. This way you will learn about your drawbacks too. Mistakes are there to teach us.

 Failing in an exam is not the end. Failure is the pillar of success. You will only achieve success if you make it a point to learn from your mistakes. 

Hey, I'm Lalit Makker, a Senior Software Engineer and Founder of BOXL Technologies. I enjoy working with Django, Node and NextJS. I also like writing about Travel related content.

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